NPT Homes link up with Dulux to benefit tenants

Social housing provider NPT Homes has linked up with Dulux Decorator Centre to provide tenants with quality decorating products at discounted rates.

To access the average discount of 23%, tenants can visit the Dulux Decorator Centre in Swansea, order online or call 0845 602 3128 to place their order. As an added bonus, Dulux Decorator Centres provide free delivery on all purchases.

Chief Executive Linda Whittaker said: “Over the last two years we have worked with thousands of tenants to improve their homes andw e are finding that once they have a new kitchen or bathroom they have an increased sense of pride in their home and we are seeing an many people decorating other rooms within the house. With this in mind we have linked up with Dulux Decorator Centres to offer discounts on decorating costs to help give those tenants who are investing in their homes something back.”

Richard Morgan, Customer Support Manager, said: “We are pleased to be working in partnership with NPT Homes to provide tenants with great discounts on professional painting and decorating materials. Our expert staff are able to offer friendly advice on putting colour schemes together, selecting products and applying them properly. As well as having access to the right products, tenants will be inspired to use them creatively in their homes.”

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